Education Pavilion
Exhibit Hall A | Open All Day
Committed to your ongoing learning and development, the Education Pavilion will be open all day and features exciting elements including:
• Conference Bookstore & Author Book Signings
• Representatives from Local Colleges & Universities
• NEW Women of Color in the Workplace Roundtables
Bookstore & Author Signings
Sponsored by Liberty Mutual
Signing Schedule:
9:45 a.m.
Celeste Headlee
Simon Sinek
11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Marci Alboher
Annie Duke
Amy Gallo
Anne Grady
Dr. Tiffany Jana
Mary Laura Philpott
Karen Rinaldi
Darcey Steinke
Tiffany Shlain
12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Mary Abbajay
Chris Bailey
Lee Carter
M. Tamra Chandler
Jackie Glenn
Minda Harts
Erica Keswin
Sara Laschever
Maxie McCoy
Alicia Menendez
Amy Morin
Alechia Reese
Veronica Rueckert
Reshma Saujani
Virgie Tovar
Karen Wickre
2:45 p.m.
Tara Westover
4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
M. Tamra Chandler
Jodi Glickman
Maxie McCoy
Mindy McKnight
Veronica Rueckert
Tiffany Shlain
Shannon Watts
4:40 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Minda Harts
Michelle Wax
NEW! Women of Color in the Workplace Roundtables
Led by an expert facilitator, roundtables offer an informal and intimate setting to share best practices around a focused and specific topics that women of color face in the workplace. Roundtables are discussion based and will not feature a formal presentation. We encourage attendees to come with questions. Each roundtable will be offered a total of three times to allow attendees the opportunity to participate in multiple discussions on different topics.
Roundtables will take place at the following times:
3:00 PM – 3:30 PM
3:35 PM – 4:05 PM
4:10 PM – 4:40 PM
Emotional Wellness Matters for Women of Color
Charmain F. Jackman, PhD, Massachusetts licensed psychologist and founder of InnoPsych, Inc., an online therapist of color directory, is on a mission to change the face of therapy! With the belief that knowledge is power, Dr. Jackman is committed to educating women of color about the importance of attending to their emotional health in order to interrupt generational trauma and to create inroads for healing. In this interactive roundtable, Dr. Jackman will share strategies for identifying when it is time to connect to a therapist; discuss tips for talking to friends and family about their mental health; and explore ways to navigate the complex mental health system to find the “right” therapist for you.
Charmain Jackman,founder and president, innopsych @docjackman
Owning Your Immigrant Status as a Woman of Color
This roundtable will explore the intersectionality of women of color and being an immigrant. Attendees will learn tips and tools for navigating your career from entry level to the next dimension. Explore how to use your cultural differences (accents, food, customs and work ethics) as a brand differentiator.
Jackie Glenn, CEO & founder, Glenn Diversity and HR Solutions and author, Lift As I Climb @jackieglenn_
Race, Hair and Working Women
Are you judged for embracing styles that reflect your natural hair texture and your ethnic/racial heritage – even before you speak? Is your hair keeping you from moving up the corporate ladder? Issues related to “black” hair hit the mainstream media this year when two teens attending a Malden charter school were kicked off their sports team and banned from the prom because they wore their hair in braids. This interactive roundtable will explore unnatural responses to natural hair and offer best practices to help women of color address the emotional and physical challenges they face as it relates to hair in the workplace.
Shellee Mendes, founder, owner and stylist, Salon Monet, Boston @shelleemendes
The Memo: What Women of Color Need to Know to Get a Seat at the Table
Minda Harts brings her entrepreneurial experience as CEO of The Memo to explore the “ugly truths” that keep women of color from getting the proverbial seat at the table in corporate America: micro-aggressions, systemic racism, white privilege, etc. Covering network-building, office politics, money and negotiation, this talk will help you learn how to address these issues head on. Attendees will walk away with a roadmap to help women of color and their allies make real change to the system.
Minda Harts, founder, The Memo, LLC, seat creator & author, The Memo @mindaharts
Women of Color: A Candid Conversation on Career Choice
It’s no secret the Future is Female: we currently control 52% of household income, and stand to inherit more than $28 trillion by 2040. Women, particularly women of color, are graduating college with more degrees than our male counterparts, and we are deeply engaged in changing the face of entrepreneurship, with 9.5 million women-owned firms in the U.S., 3 million by women of color alone. There are tremendous opportunities for women of color to be entrepreneurial and focus your career in the financial services industry. Attend this interactive discussion to explore exciting career opportunities at Wells Fargo Advisors. Learn how business leaders are working together to change the face of the financial services industry and how you can be part of a workforce of advisors to advance wealth development, legacy building and estate planning specifically for women and women of color.
Angela Ruffin-Stacker, SVP, diverse FA recruiting strategy, Wells Fargo Advisors @wellsfargo