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Negotiation Strategies to Get What You Are Worth: Free Teleclass Apr. 29

Pynchon, VictoriasmNegotiation Strategies to Get What You are Worth
April 29, 2014 1:00 to 1:30 pm EST
Free teleclass with author and attorney Victoria Pynchon, co-founder of She Negotiates Consulting and Training


In this teleclass you’ll:
•    Learn your true market value.
•    Avoid “gender blow back” when negotiating raises, promotions and increases in fees.
•    Influence your negotiation partner to want what you want without changing your personality or discarding your values.

Call in details will be sent in your registration confirmation.

Follow along, ask questions or tweet highlights during the call with @MassWomen and #MassWomen.

Author and attorney Victoria Pynchon is the co-founder of She Negotiates Consulting and Training, a Forbes “Top 100 Career Site.” Negotiating women, says Pynchon, are like trial lawyers without opponents. Few are the people who expect women to negotiate and the most dangerous negotiation anyone can have is one they do not know they’re having. When women engage in “mutual benefit” negotiation, they get more of what they want than they ever expected possible. And their bargaining partners walk away wondering what hit them. She Negotiates not only trains and consults with women to increase their economic power, they do so within women’s core values and without gender blow back. Learn more here.