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Podcast | New Research Insights into High-Performing Teams

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Whether you lead a team or just want to understand yours better, this podcast is for you. In 30 minutes, Dr. Lauren D’Innocenzo, assistant professor of organizational behavior at Drexel LeBow College of Business, shares:

• What recent research has uncovered about what makes teams highly effective

• Two simple questions to determine if your team is working at its highest potential

• Group activities that jumpstart trust

LAUREN D’INNOCENZO, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior at Drexel LeBow College of Business and received her Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut. Her research focuses on understanding team effectiveness by exploring compositional elements, contextual influences, as well as emergent team dynamics. Using an applied research approach, Lauren has worked with a number of Fortune 500 companies, governmental agencies, and hospitals in a variety of capacities including data-driven research, executive education programs, interventions, executive reporting, and consulting. Dr. D’Innocenzo’s most recent research collaborations include a southern community hospital as well as an academic research hospital focusing on fostering high-performing surgical teams. Her research has been published in leading peer- reviewed academic journals, including the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Journal of Management as well as a number of book chapters on organizational teams. In addition to her research, Dr. D’Innocenzo has taught courses in Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Communication, Organizational Strategy, and Team Development to audiences including corporate executives, MBA, EMBA, and undergraduates.

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