Gwen Robinson

GWEN ROBINSON is the managing director of corporate social responsibility and community reinvestment act (CRA) officer for Santander Bank, N.A., one of the largest retail banks in the U.S. by deposits. Santander’s 9,700 employees serve its 1.8 million customers through the Bank’s over 600 branches, 2,000 ATMs, as well as call centers, website and a mobile app. In this role Robinson works with business units to ensure communities have access to affordable and appropriate credit, manages the Bank’s community development investments, and serves as the board chair of the Santander Bank Foundation. Prior to Santander, she served as the director of consumer compliance at the New York State Department of Financial Services where she managed CRA, fair lending and consumer compliance examinations for New York State chartered banks. Robinson has worked in community development for almost 20 years with roles in the private and the not-for-profit sector including working at Goldman Sachs, General Electric and the Annie E. Casey Foundation. She began her career as an organizer for the Industrial Areas Foundation. Robinson earned a B.A. from Harvard College and an M.S. in economics from the Georgia Institute of Technology. @sandanterbankus